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September is Gum Care Awareness Month

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September is Gum Care Awareness Month, so this month we are taking the time to raise awareness about the importance of oral health, specifically gum health! Maintaining gum health is critical to your oral health and is possible through our care at IPA

September is Gum Care Awareness Month 

This month we are taking the time to raise awareness about the importance of oral health, specifically gum health. 

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, can lead to serious health issues if left untreated, including tooth loss and links to systemic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 50% of Americans over the age of 30 have some form of periodontal disease (gum disease).

Treating these conditions is critical to your oral health and is possible through the care of Chandan Walia, DDS, and the team at Implants and Periodontal Arts - Endo Arts in Chandler, Arizona. 


Why are gums so important in oral health? 

Your gums play an essential role in your oral health. While many people believe that the primary purpose of gums is to help hold your teeth in place, the actual purpose is to create a tight seal between your mouth and your bloodstream. Your gums are living tissues that adhere to the surfaces of your teeth. The close connection prevents food, saliva, and bacteria within your mouth from entering your bloodstream.  If your gums are not properly taken care of, you run the risk of developing a domino effect of health concerns. 

What does it mean to have healthy gums? 

When gums are healthy, they are a nice pink color, and do not bleed during brushing or flossing. Your gums should not be receding from the teeth.  Healthy gums are generally not painful, so any discomfort, tenderness, or pain in the gums can indicate a problem. 

What are some symptoms of unhealthy gums? 

A common indicator of unhealthy gums is the presence of bleeding when brushing and flossing your teeth. Swelling, redness, pain, and receding gums are also signs that you may need to see your dentist. It’s important to see a periodontal specialist if you notice these signs of gum disease. When caught early, gingivitis can be reversed by embracing better oral hygiene routines. 

How do you maintain healthy gums? 

The best way to keep your gums healthy and to avoid gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene including brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. It is also important to visit your dentist regularly for checkups and hygiene twice a year. Your dentist can detect the early stages of gum disease and instruct you on ways to improve your gum health. This is truly an area where prevention is better than treatment. 

If you suspect you have issues with your gum health, book an appointment online or over the phone today. Implants and Periodontal Arts - Endo Arts is currently accepting new patients and encourages anyone in the Chandler, Arizona, area who needs periodontal care to schedule a time to meet with the team.